Islamic Development Bank Signs US$ 2.4 Billion Worth of New Financing Agreements at 39th IDB Board of Governors’ Meeting

Jeddah, KSA, 26.06.2014 – The 39th Annual Meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Board of Governors witnessed, at its concluding session in Jeddah, KSA, the signing of US$ 2.45 billion worth of new financing agreements with 22 member countries, US$ 1.5 billion of which went to the energy production and transmission sector, with the rest for sectors like, communication, roads and transport, food security, irrigation, farming and fisheries, health care, water supply, job creation, SMEs,
Details of the signed agreements are as follows:
1- Egypt, US$ 752 million; four projects for “power generation” and “irrigation and water supply”
2- Uganda, US$ 323 million; four projects for “roads” and “power transmission grid”, plus two technical grants for “educational and capacity building projects”
3- Bangladesh, US$ 284 million; three projects for “power transmission grid” and “infrastructure for information technology and communication services”
4- Pakistan, US$ 220 million; a project for “power generation”
5- Morocco, US$ 220 million; a project for “power transmission grid”
6- Chad, US$ 147.73 million; three projects for “roads”, “food security”, and “health”
7- Uzbekistan, US$ 107 million; two projects for “water supply” and “health”
8- Mauritania, US$ 105 million; one project for “power generation”
9- Indonesia, US$ 45 million; a financing line to support SMEs by the country’s EXIM Bank
10- Senegal, US$ 42.5 million; two projects for “food import” and “water supply”
11- Guinea, US$ 24.8 million; one project for “vocational training”
12- Cote d' Ivoire, US$ 23.5 million: two projects for “water supply”, and “SMEs”
13- Tunisia, US$ 20 million; one project for “financing trade”
14- Cameroon, US$ 15.8 million; two projects for “education”
15- Togo, Burkina Faso,
Benin, Niger, Mali, US$ 12.5 million; for participation in a water project for WAEMU (West African Economic and Monetary Union)
16- Mozambique, US$ 12.1 million; one project for “agriculture and fisheries”
17- Kyrgyzstan, US$ 6 million; four projects for “roads”, “power”, and “socio-economic and trade improvement and job-creation”
18- Tajikistan, US$ 400,000; technical assistance grant to support prevention of HIV transmission from mothers to babies
