Islamic Development Bank Group to participate in An investment conference for the Arab Countries in Transition

12.09.2013 – Jeddah (KSA) – The President of the Islamic Development Bank Group (IDB), Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali will participate in the G8 Deauville Partnership Investment Conference in London, on 16 September 2013. The Investment Conference is organized by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office in cooperation with IDB and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The Deauville Partnership initiative was launched at the G8 summit held in Deauville (France) in May 2011 by the G8 countries and partner countries in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Turkey) with the objective to support the Arab countries going through a transition phase (Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Jordan and Yemen).
The conference will be attended by representatives from governments, private companies and investors from the G8 countries, their partner countries and the Arab countries in transition, as well as international institutions. The conference will discuss the prospects, challenges and opportunities for investment in the transition countries.
It is worth mentioning that the Islamic Development Bank Group is currently hosting the joint secretariat of the international financing institutions that are participating in the Deauville partnership.
