Islamic Development Bank Group Makes First Disbursement to Support Polio Eradication Program in Pakistan

03 August, 2013 – Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group, joined world leaders on 27 September 2012, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and called for global solidarity to win the fight against polio. Subsequently, the IDB approved its financing of US$227 million for Pakistan on 11 November 2012, for supporting its Polio Eradication Program. The financing was approved in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), whereas
Pakistan will repay the principal amount of financing to the IDB while the BMGF would support the Government of Pakistan in paying the cost of the financing. The President reaffirmed the IDB commitment to global effort to support Polio Eradication during his participation in the World Vaccine Summit in Abu Dhabi from 24-25 April 2013.

Today, the IDB made the first disbursement of US$ 32.6 million to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the Implementing Agencies of the program in Pakistan. “This disbursement is the first milestone towards achieving the noble cause of eradicating Polio” said Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali, the Chairman of the IDB Group. He also acknowledged that it was the commencement of a dedicated pursuit by the IDB to developing innovative ways of financing development in partnership with philanthropists,
namely BMGF and non-traditional donors. It is worth mentioning that another disbursement for the UNICEF, which is the Implementing Agency for acquisition of vaccine and social mobilization for vaccination campaign, is underway.
