IsDB’s AAA rating reaffirmed by Standard & Poor’s

The Islamic Development Bank’s “AAA” credit rating was affirmed with a “Stable Outlook” by S&P. 

As IsDB continues to deliver its unique role in promoting economic development and social progress in member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries and has continued its effort despite COVID-19 limitations. 

The stable outlook reflects S&P’s expectation that Islamic Development Bank's (IsDB's) financial profile will remain extremely strong over the next 24 months.  S&P also expects the bank to continue to enjoying preferred creditor treatment and other strong shareholder support. S&P, however, cautioned that negative pressure on the Bank’s rating could arise if the overdues on 4th GCI share capital payments continue to increase and/or there are significant delays in the planned capital increase.

H.E. Dr Bandar Hajjar, President of the IsDB Group, congratulated all member countries, IsDB Board Members and Staff for this important achievement that IsDB is considered the most highly-rated MDBs and the highest in the Muslim World, for two consecutive years.  
