IsDB workshop calls for the commercialization of Trans-Saharan road corridor

Algiers, Algeria - Leading experts have called for the speedy completion and commercialization of the Trans-Saharan Road Corridor linking six countries in Africa; Algeria, Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Tunisia. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) has already contributed US $454 million to the corridor in the form of 19 operations.

The experts made the call at a workshop organized by the IsDB during the African Investment and Business Forum (Algiers, 3-5 December 2016). The theme of the workshop was “Commercialization of the Trans-Saharan Road Corridor”, which was held in Algiers on 4th December 2016.

The workshop was organized in partnership with a host of authorities from the African Forum as well as the Secretariat of the Trans-Saharan Road Liaison Committee (TRLC).

“The smooth movement of people and goods in IsDB member countries is a top priority for the Bank. By linking these six countries through the Trans-Saharan road corridor, we are providing a platform for the economic integration of the region. This will help in addressing several development challenges such as poverty alleviation, job creation and easy transfer of goods and services among African member states,” said Dr. Abdulhakim Elwaer, IsDB’s Director for Cooperation and Resource Mobilization.

The workshop highlighted the need for preparation of a Corridor Master/Development Plan for addressing soft and hard aspects and requirements of the corridor, and establishment of a corridor management mechanism with participation of en-route countries, regional organizations and development community.

Participants at the event shared success stories on collaboration at national and regional levels for development of multi-country corridors. The event came up with recommendations for commercial operation of the Algiers-Lagos axis of the Trans-Saharan Corridor after completion of construction works in Arlit-Assamaka section in Niger by the end of 2017.

The workshop also stressed the need for expeditious completion of construction works in the remaining missing links connecting Chad and Mali to the Corridor. This could be realized through cooperation between these countries and development partners. The participating member countries and regional/international institutions expressed their support to IsDB’s initiative for commercialization of the Trans-Saharan Road Corridor.

Ministers and other senior officials were in attendance from the ministries of transport and trade as well as chambers of commerce and industries of the IsDB member countries en-route the Trans-Saharan Corridor i.e. Algeria, Chad, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and Tunisia.

Relevant regional and international organizations and development institutions were also present at the event including the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Center for Transportation Studies in Western Mediterranean (CETMO), Islamic Corporation for Development of the Private Sector (ICD), Islamic Development Bank (IDB), International Road Transport Union (IRU), International Trade Center (ITC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the
World Bank.
