IsDB-WFP Talks in Vienna Focus on Enhanced Food Security Actions

Vienna, Austria, 25 June 2024 – A meeting in Vienna between Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) President, H.E. Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, and UN’s World Food Program Executive Director, Ms. Cindy Hensley MacCain, explored avenues for boosting the ongoing cooperation between the two organizations. Both IsDB and WFP work on  tackling food insecurity,  which is one of the most pressing challenges in the world.  

Cooperation between Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the world Food Program (WFP) has been steadily advancing since January 2020 and the two are currently partnering through the Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund (AHTF).

The two institutions also exchanged views over innovative resource mobilization and financing practices that could prove instrumental in their future joint efforts.  

At the meeting, IsDB President elaborated how the two institutions are also collaborating at global and country levels to prepare country action plans that support the countries’ commitments as part of the School Meals Coalition.

IsDB and WFP are also working to finalize the “Human Capital Development” initiative also known as the 1,000+ days Initiative that envisages to leverage the past and ongoing work on nutrition and school feeding programming in IsDB member countries as well as those where WFP is operational maximizing impact and expanding the envelope of resources.

IsDB is the premium AAA-rated multilateral development bank of the Global South mandated with contributing to socio-economic development of its 57 member countries and WFP is an international organization affiliated with the UN that provides food assistance worldwide.


