IsDB President meets the Chairman of the International Financial Institutions Council of MEDEF and delegates from 25 French business organisations in Paris

H.E Dr. Bandar Hajjar, President IsDB Group met with Mr Bruno Bensasson, Chairman of the International Financial Institutions Council of MEDEF & CEO at MEDEF International and delegates from 25 French business organisations to discuss ways to strengthen the partnership with French institutions supporting the achievement of SDGs in developing countries, particularly in Africa.

H.E Dr. Bandar Hajjar, President IsDB Group met with Mr Bruno Bensasson, Chairman of the International Financial Institutions Council of MEDEF & CEO at MEDEF International along with delegates from 25 French business organisations. 

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss ways to strengthen the partnership with French institutions supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries, particularly in Africa. 

It aligned with a Bank’s focus on P5P objectives and the new business model that aims to transform the Bank from development to developers and play the role of catalyst, financing projects off-balance sheet rather than from its own resources.

Dr. Bandar Hajjar thanked Mr Bruno Bensasson for attending the event and for his interest in further developing the partnership between the business sector in France and the IsDB Group. He also highlighted IsDB’s successes in working with the AFD and French companies, and reiterated IsDB's readiness to intensify co-operation and contribute to the development agenda of the IsDB member countries. 

IsDB President said: “The French business community and the IsDB Group share the same development objectives of alleviating poverty and fostering the socio-economic development of developing countries. The two sides need to work hard on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.  Therefore, I confirm our readiness to co-operate with the private sector to facilitate more private investment in infrastructure in our member countries, including water, transport and energy as well as co-finance PPP projects and facilitate foreign investment through its preferred creditor status. I am fully supportive to intensify this cooperation even further to serve our member countries.”
