IsDB Group Statement on the Devastating Flash Flood in Pakistan

Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 31 August 2022- The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group expresses its solidarity with the Government and people of Pakistan following the devastating floods that caused untold suffering, loss of lives, destruction of properties and unprecedented social-economic disruptions.

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group stands by ready to support the Government of the Republic of Pakistan in its efforts to address the negative impact of the floods as per the IsDB Group’s usual response to such crises in its member countries and through our humanitarian partners.

The Islamic Development Bank Group commends the authorities and relief agencies for their extraordinary efforts to bring relief to the victims and provide crucial humanitarian assistance.

Furthermore, the IsDB Group calls on the international development community, UN agencies, international organizations, civil society organizations, development finance institutions, and private sector stakeholders to join hands to support the people affected by the recent floods in Pakistan and those most at risk by delivering lifesaving and livelihood assistance, such as health services, food, clean water and shelter.

The IsDB Group reiterates its commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Government of the Republic of Pakistan, along with other development partners, to mitigate the negative impact of the floods.


