IsDB $32m financing to help Senegal eradicate malaria

Dakar, Senegal 23 January 2017: Islamic Development Bank’s (IsDB) Lives & Livelihoods Fund (LLF) has provided US $32m financing to the Republic of Senegal to help the country eradicate malaria.

This was announced in Dakar during the signing of agreement between the IsDB Vice President (Sector Operations), Dr. Mansur Muhtar, and Mr. Amadou Ba, Senegal’s Minister of Economy, Finance and Planning. The IsDB Vice President is on official tour of Senegal and Guinea from 22-26 January 2017.

A total of 25 districts located in five different regions of Senegal will benefit from the project. The regions are: Thiès, Fatick, Diourbel, Matam and Louga. The malaria eradication project will consist of the provision of 1.56 million RDTs (Rapid Detection Tests), procuring anti-malarial drugs, and provision of laboratory equipments.

The financing will also include the procurement of 240,000 insecticide bags, 1 storage container for 25 districts, and equipment for entomology surveillance and individual protection, among others.

In his remarks, IsDB Vice President, Dr. Mansur Muhtar stated that the scourge of malaria has cost Sub-Saharan Africa too many lives, therefore eradicating malaria is a top priority for the Bank. He added that achieving sustainable development is impossible without a healthy society. He assured the government and people of Senegal that IsDB is a reliable partner that will help the country achieve its development objectives.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Planning, Mr. Amadou Ba, thanked the IDB for the constant support it has provided to the Government and people of Senegal. He stated that the financing provided by the IsDB is a significant contribution to the Government’s effort to roll back malaria in Senegal. He noted that this is the third time IsDB provides financing in the fight against malaria in Senegal.

The LLF is an initiative of IsDB and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in partnership with other donors to support IsDB member countries in reducing maternal and child mortality, increase productivity of smallholder farmers, and lift people out of poverty.

Notes to Editor:
For information and media enquiries about this story contact:
Muhammad Jameel Yusha'u
Senior Communication Specialist
Twitter: @jameelyushau
Tel: +966126466492
