Improved coordination and stronger partnerships vital for accelerating development

Indonesia, Jakarta, 15 May 2016 – Representatives of international cooperation agencies and technical cooperation bodies from Azerbaijan, Egypt, Indonesia, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar Tunisia and Turkey, along with IsDB staff, met today to share their experiences in South-South Cooperation and explore opportunities for collaboration to increase results on the ground.

During the roundtable panel – “Scaling Up and Enhancing Partnerships among IsDB Member Countries for Tangible Results – participants agreed that IsDB member countries have important knowledge and expertise in a variety of fields. They are increasingly sharing their experiences, and learning from one another in order to accelerate the development process and to overcome their challenges.

Participants said that there remains a huge potential for exchanging knowledge and development solutions among countries in the South, particularly through IsDB’s Reverse Linkage mechanism under its Technical Cooperation Program.

They acknowledged that coordination, collaboration and cooperation among provider and recipient countries are fundamental to improve results and impacts in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Participants agreed to strengthen their partnership around “Three Two-C” pillars: Coordination & Collaboration; Convergence & Complementarity; and Capitalization of Knowledge & Communication. They will also work together to:
•Develop a roadmap for enhancing effectiveness among the institutions and with IsDB.
•Establish an operational team to prepare the roadmap, led by IsDB and composed of representatives from the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development, the Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia, the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation, the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency, and the Tunisian Agency for Technical Cooperation.
•Convene an annual coordination forum for IsDB member countries’ International Cooperation Agencies and Technical Cooperation Bodies.
Through these actions, IsDB will continue to foster cooperation and knowledge sharing among its member countries to accelerate their socio-economic development.
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About the Islamic Development Bank:
IsDB is a multilateral development bank with headquarters in Jeddah, KSA. It consists of 57 member countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The purpose of the bank is to foster the economic development and social progress in its member countries, and Muslim communities in non-member countries. The Bank has regional offices in Kuala Lampur (Malaysia), Rabat (Morocco), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Dakar (Senegal), and several gateway offices and field representatives in different parts of the

For more information:
Mr. Abdelhakim Yessouf
Senior Technical Cooperation Specialist, Capacity Development Department, IsDB
+966 12 6466301
