IDB’s 'AAA' Credit Rating Affirmed by Standard & Poor's for the 9th consecutive years

Standard & Poor's assigned 'AAA' rating to the IsDB’s US$3.5 billion trust certificate issuance program. At the same time, Standard & Poor's affirmed for the 9th consecutive year its 'AAA' long-term and 'A-1+' short-term issuer credit ratings on the Bank with a Stable Outlook. Standard & Poor’s stated that the IsDB's ratings are underpinned by strong shareholders' support, very high level of capital and liquidity and a good asset portfolio with historically very low losses and preferred-creditor treatment.
IsDB is one of the few multilateral development financial institutions with the highest possible credit ratings issued by the three leading international rating agencies - Standard & Poor's, Fitch Ratings and Moody’s. Moreover, IsDB has been recognized as eligible for ‘Zero Risk-Weight’ by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in 2004 and the European Union in May 2007.
IsDB is an international financial institution established in 1973 with the purpose of fostering economic development and social progress of its Member Countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries in accordance with the principles of Shari’ah (Islamic Law).
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali, President of the IsDB, praised the strong and generous support of the Member Countries and congratulated the staff of the IsDB Group for this achievement. He also considered it as an opportunity for IsDB to reconfirm its pledge and endeavour to further the achievements of this noble institution through adherence to the highest levels of professionalism, due diligence and prudent practices while undertaking tasks with integrity and sincerity. He highlighted that during the past year, “IsDB continued its efforts to reform the Bank with a view to strengthening performance through improved governance and organizational efficiencies. This will help achieve greater developmental impact in consonance with the ‘Year 2020 Vision’ with the ultimate goal of making IsDB a customer and quality-focused organisation”.
