IDB urgent mission leaves for Somalia

An urgent IDB mission has left for the famine-stricken Somalia to administer distribution operations of the Bank’s relief aid for the needy in famine-stricken areas.
Last week, the Board of the Executive Directors of the Bank approved an urgent US$ 1 million humanitarian relief assistance to Somalia raising the level of its donations to the country since April 2011, to US$ 2.2 million. The funds are being channeled through to Somalia in three phases to supply most urgent food and medical supplies to the affected people through direct coordination with six NGOs namely; Direct Aid, Al Taufiq, Moin for relief, Al-Manahal for Relief, United Arab Doctors and Zam Zam Foundation.
IDB has so far provided US$ 2.2 million worth of most urgently needed supplies to nearly 20,000 affected families in 7 provinces in Somalia including in Middle Juba, Bakol, Bay, Hiran, Middle Shaibelle, Lower Shaibelle and Binadar Provinces while the Bank’s relief operation is still going on.
