IDB Staff Contribute to Sponsoring Orphans Of the Victims of the Tsunami Disaster.

This sponsorship of the Tsunami orphans comes as a result of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) alliance , which has been exerting great efforts in collaboration of the IDB Group to secure sponsorship of orphans of the Tsunami disaster. These efforts were met with financial and humanitarian support of member countries, non-government charitable organization and a number of philanthropists. So far, arrangements have been made to sponsor a total of (1910) male and female orphans. Procedures are being taken to sponsor an additional number of (1100) orphans, with one dollar's daily cost for fifteen years, or until the orphan reaches the age of legal maturity.
President of the IDB Group expressed his thanks and appreciation to all those who already contributed, or will contribute to the mitigation of the suffering and sorrows of the victims of this destructive disaster, from the results of which the population of South East Asian Member Countries are still suffering, especially in Indonesia. He commended the contributions and donations of philanthropists from Member Countries for sponsoring the orphans who were the victims of the Tsunami disaster. These orphan victims amounted to (22,000) child in Indonesia alone. Despite all that which has been achieved to relieve these orphans, there is still a dire need to collect more donations of the philanthropists to relieve, educate and feed these orphans. He urged every able person in the entire Muslim World to donate whatever he can afford and to extend his helping hand to save these orphans who have been rendered helpless, and who lost every supporter or helper to preserve their Islamic identity except their Muslim brothers of the Islamic Ummah. It is worth to mention that the Saudi TV mounted last Ramadan a wide donation campaign Telethon for the benefit of these victim orphans of the Tsunami disaster. The amount of money collected during this campaign reached SR (56) million.
The President expressed his thanks and appreciation also to the Saudi Charitable Campaign for the Relief of the Tsunami Disaster, headed by H.R.H. Prince Naief Bin Abdul Aziz, Minister of Interior, which donated a grant amounting to US$ (6) million to build and equip two centers for sheltering and educating orphan children in Ashe Region. He stated that the IDB is currently supervising, on behalf of the Saudi Charitable Campaign, the building (500) houses in the same region for the benefit of (500) families who lost their homes during the disaster. President of the IDB Group added that, with the Grace of Allah Almighty, the Bank inaugurated last year the first school for orphans of the Ashe Region, within the context of the " The OIC Alliance for Rescue of the Victims of the Tsunami Disaster". The school absorbs a total of ( 350) male and female students, with a total cost of US$ (3) million, including the cost of operating the school for three years. This is within the US$ (500) million which were allocated previously by the IDB to help victims of the Tsunami disaster in Indonesia, Maldives, Somalia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. Utilization of this allocated amount is being effected to support the reconstruction efforts in the victim countries, especially in the fields of education, health, energy and roads.
