IDB President Visits three Asian countries, follows- up on the Bank's reconstruction projects in Ache Region

Jeddah : Sunday, July 23, 2006
H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of the Islamic development Bank, left Jeddah on 26/6/1427 (22/6/2006) at the beginning of an Asian tour combines Brunei Dar-Alsalam, Malaysia and Indonesia to follow up the Bank's projects and programs in these countries.

In Indonesia he will be inspecting the Bank's reconstruction programs in Ache region, which was the most hardly hit by Tsunami. During the visit a school for orphans, financed by the Bank for US$ 3 million would be inaugurated.

Foundation stones for two new schools, donated by the Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, would be laid in the attendance of Saudi Charge d'affaires in Indonesia.

It is worth mentioning that US$ 500 Million was approved by IDB for Tsunami victims in Indonesia, Maldives, Somalia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka, for participation in relief operations and reconstruction of infrastructure, specially in fields of education, health, energy and transportation.
