IDB Observes International Anti-Corruption Day

Jeddah, KSA, 17.12.2012 – Holding a joint knowledge sharing event with the World Bank on prevention of fraud and corruption in development financings, the IDB Group last week observed the “International Anti-Corruption Day” at its Headquarters, in line with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. David G. Hawkes, Head of the Special Litigation Unit of the World Bank, described corruption as the major obstacle to development efforts around the world and briefed the audience on the recent strategies and mechanisms the World Bank’s Integrity Presidency has adopted to prevent fraud and corruption in financing development projects which generally affects the delivery of development services to the poor. He went on to stress the importance of outreach programs in
preventing corruption and fraud and providing technological means to people to contact and inform the authorities about fraud and corruption.
Mr. Birama Sidibe, IDB Vice President, Operations, underlined the significance of awareness programs to prevent fraud and corruption in Multi-lateral Development Banks (MDBs) and stated that according to Islamic values it is a crime to remain passive in the face of corruption. Such passivity is contrary to MDBs’ mandate to bring development in member countries. “Preventing fraud and corruption is part of the fight to eradicate poverty and achieve development. In this context, MDBs have the
responsibility to see that member countries obtain maximum value of their borrowing which they are paying from their resources”, stated the IDB Vice President.
The respective officials of the World Bank and the IDB Group are in continuous contact and cooperation to evolve the best means and programs to fight corruption and fraud, thereby ensuring that development financing reaches the communities concerned. A two-day workshop on combating corruption and fraud, compliance policies and prevention, was also organized at the IDB on the occasion.
