IDB Observes International Anti-Corruption Day

10.12.2013, Jeddah, KSA – Marking the international anti-corruption day, IDB Vice-President (Operations) Mr. Birama Boubacar Sidibe reiterated the need to recognize fraud and corruption as one of the greatest obstacles to socio-economic development and undermining policies and projects aimed at alleviating poverty world-wide. Chairing a gathering on the occasion at IDB headquarters in Jeddah, he asserted that proper identification of fraud and corruption is a prerequisite to deterring this evil
which, “if not dealt with systematically, would lead to costly procurement of goods and services as well as low quality contracts, and the final results will not benefit the population”. He stated that the IDB Group takes pride that its policies and programs are in line with the core Islamic values of integrity, ethics and preventing fraud and corruption.

Dr. Mohammad Ali Mubarak Kisubi, Director, Staff Integrity and Ethics Office, African Development Bank (AfDB), was the keynote speaker at the event who touched upon the latest in the best international practices in countering fraud and corruption as well as ways and means to identify and report malpractices. Dr. Kisubi was also a panelist at the workshop on “Staff Integrity and Ethics at the Workplace” which was held on the occasion. Dr. Ahmet Tiktik, IDB Vice President (Corporate Services), who
chaired the session, underlined the importance of a Shari’ah-based system which is pursued by the IDB Group in fighting corruption.

The event was organized by IDB’s Group Integrity Office (GIO) which, as the focal point for fraud and corruption prevention efforts, holds annual awareness raising activities that also accentuate the roles and obligations of the staff in the field.

In line with its fraud and corruption prevention mandate, the IDB Group has adopted several key anti-corruption policies and guidelines to fight corruption. A multi-lingual 24/7 “Speak-up Hotline” which will allow beneficiaries of IDB-funded projects in member countries and Muslim Communities to report corruption is expected to be launched in IDB shortly.

The IDB Group is a permanent member of the Ethics Network of Multilateral Organizations (ENMO) and maintains a permanent observer status at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC). It is also scheduled to join the cross-debarment agreement, an initiative by all Multi-lateral Development Banks (MDBs) under which an entity debarred by one MDB is sanctioned for the same misconduct by other signatory MDBs.

December 9th is commemorated as the “International Day of Anti-Corruption” in 129 countries that are signatories to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). According to latest estimates, some US$ 20 to US$ 40 billion are lost each year world-wide as a result of corruption.
