IDB Increases Humanitarian Aid to Somalia

Jeddah, KSA, 02.12.2012 – In line with its continued efforts to improve the living conditions of the people of Somalia, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is increasing its humanitarian aid to Somalia in coordination with various recognized charitable institutions. IDB thus recently delivered a consignment worth US$ 300,000 of medical equipment and supplies for upgrading and development of four hospitals in different regions in Somalia. It also delivered another consignment of the same type
worth US$ 75,000 offered by a philanthropist to various hospitals in the country.
According to Dr. Awadh Al-Asaime, Head of the IDB’s Special Assistance Office, IDB has, since June 2011, dispatched several missions to oversee the distribution of US$ 750,000 worth of milk powder and other food supplies among women and children in different regions of Somalia. “Also, the Bank has so far granted US$ 450,000 for building three irrigation canals each stretching six kilometers to combat drought and increase crops output”, said Dr. Awadh adding; “We are closely following up on the
progress of the projects which, once completed, will provide better food security to 2.5 million people living in Hiirran, Middle and Lower Shebelle regions.” He further underlined that IDB, in the very near future, will take action for rehabilitation of 16 other similar canals in other regions of Somalia most hardly hit by the drought.
IDB has, since 1991, provided nearly US$ 17.3 million in grants and assistance to Somalia covering almost all regions in the country. The Bank’s support mainly focused on providing medical supplies and emergency relief items in addition to supporting other sectors such as education, health, irrigation and drinking water supplies.
