IDB Implements Relief and Rehabilitation Efforts in Pakistan

A technical delegation of Islamic Development Bank Group has arrived in Pakistan to contribute to immediate relief efforts and see into the basic needs of the victims of the recent flooding which still continues to wreck havoc in the country.
In meetings with officials from Pakistani ministry of finance, the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) and other relevant ministries and government bodies, the delegation sought possible ways and means for delivering immediate assistance to the affected people whose number reportedly stands at more than 20 million with more than 2 million homeless. The Islamic Development Bank Group, through an extensive cooperation program with the Qatari Red Crescent Society, has embarked on distributing food and shelter amongst the affected people in Pakistan. The bank has already decided on a list of projects it considers to finance in the primary reconstruction process in Pakistan which covers agricultural and housing sectors as well as providing healthy drinking water.

The IDB group delegation meanwhile, has seized the opportunity to plan for operation programs for the next three years as well as partnership opportunities in energy, education and infra-structural amenities in the flood ravaged country where the nation has sustained billions of dollars of damage to its crops

Since its establishment, the IDB Group has already funded more than USD 7.2 billion projects in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In the wake of the devastating floods, the bank also approved USD 11 million emergency relief and rehabilitation package for the country.
