IDB High Level Regional Forum to Assess Past Performance and Address Future Challenges

11.12.2013, Jeddah, KSA – With a view to establishing open
consultation and assessment with the strategic stakeholders on its
activities during the past 40 years and to formulate the future 10
years strategy, the IDB Group will be organizing a High Level Regional
Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during 16-18 December 2013. The High
Level Forum which is to be attended by Ministers and other senior
officials from regional member countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia,
Brunei, Bangladesh, Maldives, and Suriname, along with leaders from
the various sectors, will explore a new program of economic
cooperation among IDB economies and their global partners and how best
to engage with the growing Asian economies as a major global
powerhouse. The Finance Minister II of the Government of Malaysia
will inaugurate the Forum.

The IDB Group will also explore at this High Level Forum its role as a
major catalyst in the development of the Islamic financial sector,
especially in the Asian region, which is emerging as a game changer in
the global financial system. As the IDB is celebrating its 40 years of
service and development during this year, similar High Level Fora will
be organized in Almaty (Kazakhstan), Dakar (Senegal), and Jeddah
(Saudi Arabia) shortly.

The various workshops and roundtable meetings which are scheduled to
take place on the occasion will help formulate the views of the IDB
Governors, Ministers and other special invitees from the public and
private sectors, development partners, think tanks and civil society.
These deliberations will facilitate the IDB Group to carry out a
candid assessment of its 40 years of performance and the effectiveness
of its operations. They will also assist the Group with addressing
future challenges and regional /global priorities with a view to
preparing the next 10 years’ strategy and updating the IDB Vision
