IDB Group Honored at ADFIMI Development Forum in Turkey

7th October, 2010, Istanbul, The ADFIMI Development Forum honored today the President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, in recognition of the Bank’s productive and active contributions in the field of development finance and the instrumental role of the Bank in fostering socio-economic development in member countries and Muslim communities in non member countries since it was established more than 36 years ago.
Present at the occasion, H.E. Dr. Cevdet Yilmaz, the Turkish minister of State described the role of the Islamic Development Bank Group as a success story in the field of socio-economic development under the leadership of H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali. He also praised the Bank’s initiatives which serve the common interest of member countries such as the Bank’s support of the cross boarder Turkish-Syrian Partnership Strategy, and its willingness to replicate it in some other member countries.
In his speech at the session, the IDB Group president thanked the Turkish Government for its strong support to IDB, and for embracing the forum which “is graced by the personal attendance of H.E. the Minister” he said. He also thanked ADFIMI Development Forum 2010, expressing his gratitude to the organizers for honoring IDB reiterating the importance of the Bank’s partnership with ADFIMI for the interest of all member countries. Dr. Ali disclosed that a cooperation initiative between IDB and ADFIMI is currently in the making to foster cooperation in many fields of mutual concern such as containing the repercussions of the global financial crisis on member countries, poverty alleviation, employment. Micro finance and enhancing Islamic Banking, which are at the heart of the IDB’s mandate and its activities for the development of its member countries.
Further, H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali presented an overview of the IDB activities and progress since inception highlighting the IDB Group’s New Vision 1440H (2020G). He further elaborated on the Bank’s role and contributions in human and infrastructural development, poverty alleviation, employment generation, promotion of the private sector, intra-trade and investments, cooperation and collaboration with the OIC institutions as well as other development partners.
Dr. Ali then, giving a brief review of where the IDB Group stands today, said:”IDB Group’s total assistance (in the form of approvals) to the member countries has now reached almost US$76 billion for 7,637 operations” adding “The assistance has been provided through Shariah compatible modes of financing such as Grants, Loans, Istisnaa, Installment Sale, leasing etc. to enhance development in all key economic sectors.”

With the ever expanding demand for its innovative products and services, IDB has now evolved from a single entity to a full-fledged Group comprising five entities, namely; the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI), the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC).
“About one third of the IDB’s financing has gone into education and health sectors, followed by agriculture (19.1 percent), transportation (15.1 percent), industry and mining (8 percent), energy (7.5 percent), and water, sanitation and urban services (7.9 percent). The remaining 15.3 percent of assistance has gone to other sectors”, said the IDB Group President.
Prior to Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali’s speech, a video footage on IDB Group’s achievements and programs was played.
