Empowering CSOs in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for the Future

Jeddah / Tashkent, 29 August 2021 - The Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) through the Resilience and Social Development Department held a Webinar entitled: “Empowering CSOs in Response to COVID-19: Lessons for the Future.”

The webinar which came on the sidelines of the 2021 IsDB Group Annual Meetings on 29 August 2021 aimed to highlight the challenges and opportunities of the role of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Responding to the impacts of COVID-19 in IsDB Member Countries; Sharing success stories on innovative and transformative projects implemented by CSOs in addressing COVID-19 effects; Exploring potential partners for resource mobilization and building global alliance for the TADAMON Program; and Providing a platform for the stakeholders to scale up their interventions to address the development needs of the vulnerable groups in MCs.

Speakers at the panel discussion included managers and CEOs from UNDP, Plan International, Kitabisa Indonesia, ISFD and IsDB.

The panel session then was followed by showcasing success stories by Spark International, Nama Foundation and Light4theWorld on innovative and transformative projects implemented by Civil Society Organizations in addressing COVID-19 effects.

Participants and CSOs/NGOs representatives were actively engaged in the discussions and learned from the lessons and success stories highlighted during the webinar.
