Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Bank Negara Malaysia Governor, Declared Winner of IDB Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance 1433H (2012)

06.03.2012, Jeddah, KSA - The Islamic Development Bank has declared Tan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, winner of the IDB Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance for the year 1433H (2012) in recognition of her substantial contributions to the development of Islamic banking and finance. The Prize will be awarded to the winner during the 37th IDB Board of Governors Annual Meeting, to be held in Khartoum, Sudan on 11-12 Jumada Awwal 1433H (3rd - 4th April 2012).

In a statement on the occasion, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, congratulated the laureate on her notable accomplishments and commended her valuable contributions to the development of Islamic financial services industry and wished her greater success.

The IDB Prize Selection Committee composed of eminent scholars and experts unanimously decided to award the IDB Prize in Islamic Banking and Finance for the year 1433H to Tan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, for her:

• Significant contributions, dedication and leadership in the development of Islamic banking and finance industry, takaful infrastructure and Shari‘ah governance framework in Malaysia and outside Malaysia

• Invaluable services in supporting Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), creation of INCEIF and ISRA, setting up of Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC), and lately founding International Liquidity Management Corporation (ILMC) in Kuala Lumpur;

The IDB Prize, alternating between Islamic Economics and Islamic Banking & Finance, was established in 1408H (1988G) to recognize, reward and encourage the activity of outstanding merit in promoting Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance. During the last 24 years, the Prize has been awarded to 33 researchers, bankers, economists, Shari’a scholars and institutions.
