Collaboration needed to build climate-friendly transport systems

Jakarta, Indonesia, 16 May 2016 – In conjunction with the 41st Annual Meeting of the IDB Group Board of Governors, to open soon in Jakarta, Indonesia, a panel of experts met to discuss strategies to develop transport systems for urban and rural areas based on the Sustainable Development Goals.

The side event, “The Role of Climate-friendly Transport Systems in Promoting Inclusive Growth,” addressed the challenges developing countries face while trying to balance climate change commitments with transport development needs.

Panelists agreed that global and national policies are crucial for achieving sustainable transport systems, as these policies will serve as an umbrella for providing easier access to resources. Government leaders and public and private sector organizations must collaborate to create innovative, climate-friendly transport that meets the needs of urban and rural populations.

“We have to look at the whole architecture about financing transporting systems and adapt it to reality,” said Dr. Nancy Vandycke, Lead Economist of the Transport and Information and Communications Technology Global Practice at the World Bank.
Panel members noted that transport challenges in both urban and rural areas are increasing. Climate-smart transport systems can provide new opportunities to overcome these challenges in developing countries.

Resource mobilization from the private sector and specialized funds for transport projects are crucial. The role of Multilateral Development Bank (MDBs) and international financial institutions play an important role in financing beneficial climate change projects, especially in the transport sector.
“IsDB group is commited to collaborating with the donor community to scale up financing to help member countries build climate-friendly transport systems,” said Dr. Mansur Muchtar, Director of IsDB’s Infrastructure Department.

“Transportation is about connecting people,” added Mr. Tyrell Duncan, Technical Advisor for Transport at the Asian Development Bank. “Reliable transportation provides people with access to more opportunities.”

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About the Islamic Development Bank:
IsDB is a multilateral development bank with headquarters in Jeddah, KSA. It consists of 57 member countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The purpose of the bank is to foster the economic development and social progress in its member countries, and Muslim communities in non-member countries. The Bank has regional offices in Kuala Lampur (Malaysia), Rabat (Morocco), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Dakar (Senegal), and several gateway offices and field representatives in different parts of the
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