Blue Deal on Water and Sanitation Aligns with Pillars of IsDB Water Policy, Says IsDB Vice President

Dakar, Senegal 22 March 2022 – The key components of the ministerial action plan for the implementation of the Blue Deal on Water and Sanitation aligns with the key pillars of Islamic Development Bank’s (IsDB) water policy, stated Dr. Mansur Muhtar, IsDB Vice-President (Operations).  

Dr. Muhtar, who leads a delegation of experts from IsDB to the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, stated this during a ministerial session on Monday.

The Blue Deal is an action plan declared by ministers in charge of water and heads of delegations assembled for the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal (21-26th March 2022).

“We are well positioned to support member countries’ efforts in implementing the Blue-Deal actions through provision of financing, technical assistance, capacity development and leveraging Islamic finance instruments,” Dr. Muhtar elaborated.

The IsDB Vice-President added that the Islamic Development Bank water sector policy is well aligned with the actions advocated for in the Blue Deal.

“Capacity development and solutions transfer for an improved governance of the water sector is a very important pillar of the policy,” Dr. Muhtar added.

The Blue Deal recognizes the urgent need to achieve water and sanitation targets outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The World Water Forum organized by the World Water Council and the host country, is the largest event that discusses global issues on water. It takes place every three years, and the 9th Forum in Dakar is the first of its kind to be held in Sub-Saharan Africa.
