Advisory on an External Publication called "Delegate Publication for IDB Annual Meeting , Dakar, Senegal" by Faircount Media Group

The Islamic Development Bank would like to advise its delegates at the 32nd Annual Meeting in Dakar, Senegal, against entering into any contract or agreement with an external publisher or organization claiming – implicitly or explicitly – to be partners or publishers for IDB’s 32nd Annual Meeting in Dakar, Senegal during 29-30 May 2007.

IDB wishes to clarify that it has not entered into partnership with any media group or publishing firm nor authorized or endorsed any publication to produce a delegate volume on the occasion of its Annual Meeting.

It has come to IDB’s attention that one publishing company called Faircount Media Group has produced and distributed a publication called “Delegate Publication for IDB Annual Meeting, Dakar, Senegal, May 2007 – Words Into Action” (

The IDB wishes to make it clear that it has not authorized or endorsed the above publication, nor has IDB been involved in any respect in its preparation or marketing. All such publications intended for display at the Annual Meeting will require prior permission from IDB.
