770 Thousand Livestock Utilized During Hajj Season 2013

19.10.2013, Jeddah, KSA – “Around 770,000 heads of livestock have so
far been utilized this year under the environment –friendly “Saudi
Project for Utilization of Hajj Meat” (Adahi) which is being managed
by the Islamic Development Bank on behalf of the government of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”, stated Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of
the Islamic Development Bank. The project which was launched three
decades ago, utilizes the most modern equipment to carry out the
utilization process, as part of the Hajj rituals, under the thorough
inspection of Sharia’a experts and veterinarians.

Dr. Ali further stated that the process of distributing the Hajj meat
amongst the pilgrims in Mina as well as the needy in Haram and other
parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through different charities
started since the early hours of the day of the feast of Eid ul Adha
on October 15th. “Shipments of frozen Hajj meat are to reach the needy
in 28 Muslim countries via sea and land in a few weeks according to
the distribution plan for the Hajj 2013”. He expressed appreciation to
the Hajj pilgrims for placing their trust in the Saudi Project for
Utilization of Hajj Meat and thanked the Hajj officials of different
countries for their continued efforts in raising awareness amongst
pilgrims about the project and its charitable and environment friendly
aspects. “The services of the project will continue to be accessible
via www.adahi.og all year long and all Muslims, regardless of their
geographic domicile, may access the service as if they are in the holy
city of Mecca”, Dr. Ali noted.

The IDB President expressed gratitude and appreciation to the
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Crown Prince and the Government
and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their continued support
for Adahi which has been in place by the Government of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia since 1982 and benefits millions of needy in Muslim
countries every year.
