2nd Donor Roundtable on the Financing of the Kandadji Dam Programme (Niger) and Taoussa Dam Programme (Mali)

The opening ceremony was marked by the welcome speech delivered by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali, President of the IDB Group, followed by the statements of Their Excellencies the Prime Ministers of Niger and Mali.

The technical session started with an introductory speech of H.E. Dr. Amadou Boubacar Cisse, Vice-President for Operations in the Islamic Development Bank.

The representative of the Niger Basin Authority (ABN) made an intervention in which he presented the general situation of the Niger Basin and the ABN policies and strategies of intervention in the framework of the shared vision for a sustainable development of the basin.

After that, the two countries made presentations on the two projects with particular emphasis on their socio-economic and environmental impact on the populations. They highlighted in particular the progress made in the different detailed studies which would lead to the realization of the envisaged infrastructures.

Following these presentations and the subsequent discussions, the technical and financial partners made interventions focusing particularly on the issues pertaining to the necessary coordination between the two countries for the realization of the two projects. They emphasized the regional character of both projects and their impact on the preservation of the river’s ecosystem and on the alleviation of poverty in the sub-region . Other aspects relating to the projects’ costs and their phasing were also examined.

At the end of the debates, the following financing announcements were made by the different partners (pending the approval of their respective executive bodies) in order to ensure in priority the financing of : (i) the construction of the dam and the related works for Kandadji, (ii) the dam and related works and access road for Taoussa with a view to launching the envisaged works as soon as possible for the period 2009-2013.

Institutions Amount in million US dollars Observations
Kandadji Taoussa
IDB 50 50
OFID 12 8
ABEDA 10 10
KFEDA 20 21.5*
WADB 8 8
BIDC 7.5 7.5
SFD 20 13.3
Abu Dhabi Fund 20 20 Not represented in the meeting
ADB 40 -
World Bank 25 25
Government 23.5 16
Total 236 179.3
Total cost estimate 236 165

* The allocation of the total amount of the contribution of the Kuwait Fund for the entire project will be stem from of bilateral consultation between this institution and the country.

The contribution of FAGACE amounting to 5 million USD per project will take the form of interest rate subsidy.

In conclusion, the following recommendations were made:

• The two governments will have to start the procedures for the resettlement of the populations to be relocated in the framework of both projects;

• The financing of the electricity part (station and lines) will be through public - private partnership. For that purpose, both governments will have to launch, in parallel, the necessary procedures with the assistance of the Islamic Development Bank which is already keen to support the countries in those aspects;

• On the basis of their financial commitments, the partners will have to embark as soon as possible on joint evaluations of both projects by the end of the first quarter of 2008.

The Republic of Mali and the Republic of Niger addressed their utmost thanks to the Saudi authorities for the warm welcome, and to the Islamic Development Bank for the perfect organization of the meeting and the positive results it has achieved.

They also addressed their thanks to the technical and financial partners for their active participation which helped attain these results.

Finally, Their Excellencies the Prime Minister of the Republic of Mali and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Niger extended their thanks to Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali, President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, for his unwavering commitment in favor of these strategic programs aimed at enhancing the life of the peoples of Mali and Niger.
