Harvesting data, Harvesting Food: Data Modeling, Forecasting and early warning for Food Security Policy
Time & Date of Event
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM on Tuesday, 8th of November 2022
Event Overview
The event will look at how climate change will impact long-term agricultural production and how we can utilise research and data to help inform how governments plan for change in current production techniques.
The panel discussion will highlight the significant changes country’s agriculture sector will undergo in the long-term and how more precise data is needed to help counteract those changes and ensure food security. We will also use the event as an opportunity to officially launch the Jameel Observatory-CREWSNET platform, a new initiative that will begin work in Bangladesh next year.
Event Outcomes
Targeting policymakers and Multilateral Development Banks, we hope to get stronger buy-in from governments on the importance of long-term data analysis, as well as possible financial buy-in from development banks on the importance of long-term analysis.