IsDB Group's Statement on Coronavirus

IsDB Group reiterates commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with its MCs to effectively tackle the threats posed by the COVID-19 virus.

The world is experiencing yet another major health crisis caused by the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). At the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, we are deeply concerned  about the loss of lives, the socio-economic disruptions and the strain on countries’ health systems caused by this emerging pandemic. IsDB Group expresses solidarity with our 57 member countries (MCs) and stands ready to extend all possible support to address the threat caused by COVID-19 virus and address the challenge of containing the spread.  

IsDB Group is committed to supporting MCs with necessary resources in the short, medium and long-term. We will explore all possible avenues to accommodate MC’s priorities beyond the health sector, with consideration to the fact that the Coronavirus does not affect only people’s health, but also impacts their overall welfare and productivity.

In order to support MCs, IsDB Group intends to retrofit existing programs, scale-up financing for health infrastructures that are fit-for-purpose and promote relevant exchange of experiences through Reverse Linkage aimed at enhancing MCs’ health system resilience. In partnership with international organisations, IsDB Group will assess the degree of preparedness of the affected and vulnerable MCs to tackle this multifaceted crisis, identify the gaps in the response delivery, and develop the necessary mechanisms to speed-up the emergency preparedness response. 

In collaboration with MCs and development partners, the IsDB Group will rely on its experience in responding to previous global health crisis (such as its response to the Ebola outbreak of 2014, implementation of the Polio Eradication Program, widespread control initiatives for Avoidable Blindness and Malaria, etc.) to support the strengthening public health systems in the MCs resilience in order to contain the Virus in the short and medium term. 

IsDB Group calls on the international development community, UN agencies, international organisations, civil society organisations, development finance institutions and private sector stakeholders to join hands to support the people affected by the COVID-19 Virus and those most at risk.

IsDB Group reiterates its commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with its MCs to effectively tackle the threats posed by the COVID-19 virus. 
