Water Harvesting Project for Agro-Pastoral Development in Al- Gadarif State
This completed project has contributed substantially to address the critical water scarcity issue of Al- Gadarif region located in the eastern part of Sudan. IsDB made the largest water intervention in the rural areas of Al-Gadarif Sate by financing the construction of 30 water ponds (Hafirs) and three small dams with total storage capacity of 6.5 million cubic meter (for both livestock and human use), four maintenance equipment, six veterinary centers and one mobile clinic including veterinary medicines. The project has contributed to improve the life conditions of the agro-pastoral groups in Al-Gadarif State. The population benefiting from the project is estimated at 275,000 habitants, while the number of animals is estimated at million 2.5 heads. The total involvement of IsDB is US$ 12.4 million while the GoS disbursed a total amount of US$ 1.415 million.