Session V: Looking Back- Third Decade (2013-2023) of Development Evaluation in IsDB Group
Virtual Event (11:45 - 12:30 PM) KSA Time
To what extent has the IEvD helped the IsDB Group edge closer to achieving development effectiveness over the past decade? What lessons can be learned?
Moderator: Dugan Fraser, Head of Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), World Bank Group, Presenter: Oguz Ceylan / Amin Abdullahi / ABM
- Anasse Aissami, Director General, Country Programs, IsDB
- Mohameden Sidiya, former Director, IsDB Group Operations Evaluation Department (GOED)
- Zaher Rebai, Director, Human Resources Management Department (HRMD), IsDB
- Dr. Mohammed Alyami, Director Development Effectiveness Office, ICD
- Ahmed Ag Aboubacrine, Acting Director, Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD)
- Syed Hussein Quadri, Director of Resilience and Climate Action, IsDB