Session IV: Looking Forward- Future Frontiers of Development Evaluation in MDBs
Virtual Event (10:45 - 11:30 AM) KSA Time
How can the MDBs' independent evaluation functions confront the development challenges they will face over the coming decade? What can IsDB Group learn from the work of other evaluation offices?
Moderator: Dr. Muhammad Jameel Yusha’U, Acting Director, Communication & Outreach, IsDB
- Dr. Indran Naidoo, Director, Independent Office of Evaluation, IFAD (IFAD),
- Prof. Dr. Joerg Faust, Chair of OECD-DAC EvalNet & Managing Director, Deval - Germany
- Dr. Jos Vaessen, Deputy Head of Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) & Advisor for Evaluation Methods, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), World Bank Group
- Ahmed Ag Aboubacrine, Acting Director, Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD)
- Dr. Mohammed Alyami, Director Development Effectiveness Office, ICD
- Dr. Walid Abdulwahab, Head of Ankara Regional Hub of IsDB Group, Turkiye