Promoting Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Development is at the core of the international development agenda and is fundamental to the Realigned Strategy of IsDB for period 2023-2025. Sustainable production and consumption are a cornerstone of Sustainable Development and can be promoted through Sustainable Procurement practices.
The IsDB encourages Beneficiaries to actively consider and apply sustainable procurement, where appropriate for better development outcome.
Applying Sustainable Procurement best practices faces many challenges in IsDB member countries. Key challenges include proper dissemination of knowledge and understanding of best practices in this field. For this reason, it is imperative to promote Sustainable Procurement best practices through adequate training and knowledge sharing events.
This event is organized by the Project Procurement Division in collaboration with the Federation of Consultants in Islamic Countries (FCIC), the Ministry of Finance, Government of Egypt and the World Bank.
Key issues to be addressed:
- MDB Guidelines and Requirements on Sustainable Procurement,
- Incorporating Sustainable Procurement in the Engineering design of Development projects, based on experiences of MC Consulting firms,
- Experience of Egypt in Sustainable Procurement through Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects.