IsDB-ILO Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge Call – Announcement of Winners
Time & Date of Event
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Thursday, 10th of November 2022
Event Overview
The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) recognize the leadership that young people are demonstrating in the fight against climate change and their key role in driving climate innovation, including amid the COVID-19-induced jobs crisis. To assist young people in further translating their activism, commitment and creativity into action, the IsDB and ILO have designed the IsDB-ILO Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge Call, with the overarching goal of promoting youth participation and skills for green jobs for a Just Transition. To that end, IsDB and ILO have invited youth-led organizations, networks or coalitions based in IsDB–ILO common member States to propose new and innovative ideas and solutions to support a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all.
The objective of the Challenge Call is to identify, incubate, test, and disseminate innovative/bankable ideas and solutions that equip youths (15-35 years old) living in IsDB–ILO common member States with the competencies required for supporting a just transition in their communities.
The IsDB-ILO Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge Call has leveraged the infrastructure and experience of the ILO Skills Innovation Facility, and seeks to achieve the following goals:
RECOGNISE the key role that young people play as agents of change to accelerate action towards a just transition.
ENHANCE young people’s capabilities by offering the knowledge and skills they will need in a greener economy.
ACCELERATE innovation around skills development, employment and entrepreneurship promotion, and climate change by providing innovators a network of experts from IsDB and ILO to support and implement their ideas and solutions.
Event Outcomes
The major focus of this event is to shed light on youth led green initiatives and announce the three winning teams of the Challenge Call.