Beyond Recovery: leveraging ARD innovations & agro-preneurship to safeguard food & nutrition security
The Islamic Development Bank is pleased to invite you to the Annual Meetings side event webinar entitled “Beyond Recovery: Beyond recovery: leveraging ARD innovations & agro-preneurships to safeguard food & nutrition security”, in collaboration with the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA).
The event aims to contribute to the global knowledge and policy discourse by highlighting the role of agricultural research and innovations and the critical role agribusiness plays in building resilient food systems in IsDB member countries to address the post-covid-19 changing development landscape. It will provide lessons and experiences from a wide range of stakeholders that would inform future investments of the Bank and contribute to the implementation of the IsDB 2023-2025 strategy.
The event will feature Dr. Agnes Kalibata, UN Secretary General’s special envoy on Food Systems and the President of AGRA, as the keynote speaker and panel members, including Ministers and representatives from the UN, research organizations and the private sector.