Accelerating Climate Change and Sustainable Development Knowledge-related Education and Utilization in Africa and the MENA Region
Time & Date of Event
12:30 PM to 1:30 PM on Friday, 11th of November 2022
Event Overview
Through this event UNESCO will present its Open Science Platform for Climate Change and Sustainable Development knowledge-related Education and Utilization (CCSD-KEU). This is a virtual portal to be operated in each sub-region to guide targeted therein municipal communities with technical info and training required to acquire green technologies and open opportunities for green jobs and green employment to implement the climate-related and SD goals particularly in rural areas through carefully pre-defined set of technology standards, projects, must-have policies and programs it advocates for. This program calls for a series of ToT workshops and seminars at each national level as a first phase after which training of nationals nationwide could take place. These capacity building programs will specifically target unemployed college graduates to be capacitated and trained as the required critical mass of technical force and practitioners and deploy them back to their rural areas to support efforts for SDGs implementation. Targeted groups will also be trained on relevant TVET to resume one of the many jobs facilitated by the newly advocate for community setup. The program will utilize technology universities and research institutes worldwide to design the online CCSD-KEU platform.
UNESCO Cairo is seeking Partners to collaborate in implementing this proposal. This side event will contribute to the adaptation and mitigation goals of COP27 and multiple SDGs.
Event Outcomes
Partnerships to accelerating Climate Change and Sustainable Development knowledge-related Education and Utilization via virtual Centers of Excellence promoted and adopted.