Civil Works For The Upgrading Of The Kyenjojo (Kihura) – Bwizi – Rwamwanja – Kahunge (68kms) & Mpara – Bwizi Road (37 Kms) Including The Construction Of 20kms Of Town Roads To Bituminous Standards

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Specific Procurement Notice (Civil Works)
Tender Number
Project code
Project title
Upgrading of National Roads In Uganda






Financing No. UGA1055


CONTRACT TITLE: Civil Works For The Upgrading Of The Kyenjojo (Kihura) – Bwizi – Rwamwanja – Kahunge (68kms) & Mpara – Bwizi Road (37 Kms) Including The Construction Of 20kms Of Town Roads To Bituminous Standards.


Reference No. UNRA/WORKS/2022-2023/00032


  1. The Republic of Uganda has applied for financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) toward the cost of Upgrading of National Roads in Uganda, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Civil Works for the Upgrading of the Kyenjojo (Kihura) – Bwizi – Rwamwanja – Kahunge (68kms) & Mpara – Bwizi Road (37Km) including the construction of 20Kms of town roads.  to Bituminous Standards.


  1. The Uganda National Roads Authority now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Civil Works for Upgrading of the Kyenjojo (Kihura) – Bwizi – Rwamwanja – Kahunge (68Kms) & Mpara – Bwizi Road (37km) including the construction of 20Kms of town roads  to Bituminous Standards. The roads are situated in the districts of Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa and Kamwenge in South Western Uganda, lying between latitude 0° 15’N and 0° 36’N; longitudes 30° 36’E and 31° 00’E. The works consist of upgrading the project roads to Class II Bituminous Standard paved road including carriageway of 7.0m width and 1.5 to 2.0m wide shoulders and with sections of the roads at three major urban/trading centres upgraded to dual carriageway together with parking lanes and walkways. At four major urban centres / townships, solar powered street lighting is to be provided. The pavement for the upgrading of the roads comprises 50mm asphalt surfacing, 175mm crushed stone (CRR) base, and 150mm mechanically stabilized material G45 (gravel blended with CRR) on improved subgrade on earthworks. The works also include construction of one pre-stressed concrete bridge of 30m single span with abutments on spread footings, several concrete box culverts and several concrete pipe culverts including at swamps, and swamp treatment of about 22 swamp crossings of length totaling approximately 3km. The project will also include Provision of social amenities along the project road as instructed by the Engineer. These will include construction of market structures with stalls, safe water sources, mini-cold milk storage room, classroom blocks, school sanitation blocks and chain-linked fences around selected schools.


  1. Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding limited to IDB Member Countries (ICB/MC) procedures as specified in IsDB’s Procurement Guidelines, and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines April 2019. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.18 -21 setting forth IsDB’s policy on Conflict of Interest.


  1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Uganda National Roads Authority (Procurement and Disposal Offices) and inspect the bidding documents during office hours from 09:00am to 5:00pm at the address given in 8 below.


  1. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of UGX 300,000 The method of payment will be by Bank Payment Advice Form obtainable from the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) website:, using “Other NTR” as a tax head in the form. The Bidder may pick the bidding document from UNRA offices indicated below against submission of evidence of payment. On request and against a submission of the evidence of the payment, the bidding document may be sent by courier service if the courier service is arranged by the Bidder. The Employer, however, bears no responsibility for the late delivery or the loss of the document.


  1. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12th July 2023 at 11:00 am. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below on 12th July 2023 at 11:30 am.


  1. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of UGX: 5,000,000,000 (Uganda Shillings Five Billion only).


  1. The address referred to above is:


Head Procurement and Disposal Unit

Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA),

Plot 3 – 5, New Port Bell Road,

UAP Nakawa Business Park

First Floor, Block D

PO Box 28487

Kampala, Uganda

Telephone: +256 312 233420 / +256 414 318420
