Modernization of Irrigation Pumping Station - Kulyab-Daryo & Zhdanov

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Specific Procurement Notice (Civil Works)
Project code
Project title
Improvement of Water Resources Management In Khatlon

Specific Procurement Notice




Sector: Water Resources


Mode of Financing: IsDB Loan

Financing No. TJK-1013


Contract Title: Modernization of Irrigation Pumping Station - Kulyab-Daryo & Zhdanov

ICB Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): IWRM/ICB/CW/3 (Lot-1,2)


1.         The Republic of Tajikistan has received for financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) toward the cost of the Improvement of Water Resources Management in Khatlon Region Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Modernization of Irrigation Pumping Stations - Kulyab-Daryo & Zhdanov (Lot-1,2).


2.         The Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Modernization of Irrigation Pumping Station - Kulyab-Daryo & Zhdanov with the completion period of 18 months. Qualification requirements:

The Bidder must demonstrate:

  • It has sufficient to meet the construction cash flow requirements estimated as Lot-1 USD 460 000.00 (four hundred sixty thousand USD) and for Lot-2 USD 330 000.00 (three hundred thirty thousand USD) for the subject contract(s) net of the Bidders other commitments;
  • Minimum average annual turnover of Lot 1 - USD 2 100 000.00, (two million one hundred thousand US dollars) and Lot 2 - USD 1 500 000.00, (one million five hundred thousand US dollars) calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last three (3) years;
  • Experience in supply and installation of a pump with an impeller Dk = 460mm, (pump impeller made of stainless steel) capacity 2000m³ / hour head-8.0m, speed 750 rpm with electric motors N = 55.0kW of asynchronous, U = 0.4kV n = 750.0rpm, taking into account the factory frame and preparation of machines for testing, delivery for commissioning and start-up networks; Experience in supply and installation of a horizontal vacuum pump, Q = 12.0m³ / min, n = 1000rpm with electric motors with a power of N = 30kW, voltage U = 220 / 380V; Experience in supply and installation of valves Ø400 mm, P= 1,0 Mpa with an electric drive with a power of N = 1.5 kW; Experience in construction of pumping station building.


3.         Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures as specified in IsDB’s Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and related services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing (April 2019) (“Procurement Guidelines”), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.18 -21 setting forth IsDB’s policy on conflict of interest.


4.         Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Project Implementation Unit and inspect the bidding documents during office hours 09:00 to 17:00 hours at the address given below:


Project Implementation Unit “Improvement of Water Resources Management in Khatlon Region Project”

Attn: Mr. Murodali Rakhmatzoda, PIU Director

10, Bohtar Str., 3rd floor, 734025, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Telephone: +992 372 2278739

Facsimile number: +992 372 2278786

Electronic mail address:


5.         A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address above and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$50 or equivalent in local currency.

The method of payment will be by direct deposit to the following accounts:


Beneficiary:     PIU “Dangara Valley Irrigation”

Address:          10 Bokhtar Str., 3rd floor, 734025, Dushanbe, Tajikistan 

USD account   20206840400826101000

TJS account in SSB “Amonatbonk “ - 20202972502353101000

Correspondent Account:         20402972316264

TIN:     010013148

BIC:    350101626



The document will be sent by email in PDF format or provided in hard copy upon request.


6.         Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before October 17, 2022, 15:00 (Dushanbe time). Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below October 17, 2022, 15:00 (Dushanbe time).  

7.         All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” in the amount of:

Lot 1: 41 460.00 USD; and

Lot 2: 29 220.00 USD


8.         The address(es) referred to above is(are):


State Committee for Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan

Street Address: 27, Shotemur Street

Floor/Room number: 10

City: Dushanbe

Tel/Fax: (+992 37) 2218384

Web site: