Emergency Preparedness Consultant (EMPC) - INDONESIA

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Expression of Interest
Project code
IDN 1031
Project title
The Strengthening of National Referral Hospital and Vertical Technical Units Project



NAME OF PROJECT : The Strengthening of National Referral Hospital and Vertical Technical Units Project

SECTOR: Health

CONSULTING SERVICES : Emergency Preparedness Consultant (EMPC)

Mode of Financing  : Installment Sale

Financing No.: IDN 1031

The Ministry of Health has received financing from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the Strengthening of National Referral Hospital and Vertical Technical Units Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.


The services include consulting on training management for the Strengthening of National Referral Hospital and Vertical Technical Units Project;

  1. The consultancy service is Emergency Preparedness Consultant (EMPC) for The Strengthening of National Referral Hospital and Vertical Technical Units Project, the Ministry of Health, IDN – 1031.
  2. The consultant will conduct Emergency Preparedness Consultant (EMPC) activities at six hospitals, namely Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Persahabatan Hospital, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Hospital, and Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital.
  3. Implementation of the project over 18 months with input of key experts time-input 195 man-months to organize training for in-Country and Overseas Training for 8000 participants in 6 Hospitals. The consultancy contract will be lump sum.
  4. The consultancy service is scheduled to start on November 2024.


The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website: https://spseicb.lkpp.go.id/spseicb/


The Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants must provide specific information which demonstrates that they are fully qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).

The shortlisting criteria are:

    1. Core business in consultancy and minimum 10 years in business.
    2. Relevance similar experience of at least 1 (one) similar assignment in the last 10 (ten) years in the field, which shall include but not be limited to experience in conducting capacity building/ skill development/ human skill upgrading/ training, preferably funded by MDBs or other international funding institution. Information to be provided should include name of assignment, name and full contact address of the client, contract value (in equivalent US dollars) and period (dates) of execution of assignment and the role played in the assignment (Lead or JV partner);
    3. Technical and managerial capability of the firm (Provide only the structure of the organization, general qualifications, and number of key staff. Do not provide CV’S of staff since key experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage).
    4. Not have been awarded a contract as a consultant to the Client related to the project of the Strengthening of National Referral Hospital and Vertical Technical Units Project.


The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Paragraphs,1.12.1, and 1.12.2 paragraphs, Part 01, Chapter 01 (pages 15-16) of the IsDB’s Guidelines for Procurement of Consultancy Services under Islamic Development Bank Project Financing, April 2019 version, revised in February 2023 (the “Procurement Guidelines”), setting forth IsDB’s policy on conflict of interest.


Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Base Selection (QCBS) method from a shortlist of International Consulting Firms, as set out in the Procurement Guidelines (April 2019, revised in February 2023).


Interested consultants may obtain further information from the Project Management Unit during office hours at 09:00 to 17:00 hours (local Jakarta time) at the address given below.


Expressions of interest must be uploaded in a written form to https://spseicb.lkpp.go.id/spseicb by June 6th, 2024.



Project Management Unit

Attention         : Chairman of Selection Committee

Address          : Gedung Prof Sujudi Lt. 14, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X.5 Kavling 4-9 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, 12950

Telp                 : (+6221) 5201590

Fax                 : (+6221) 5261814, 5203972

Email              : poksus.isdb.reborn@gmail.com Website  : www.yankes.kemkes.go.id