Preparation of Project Completion Report (PCR) of the Integrated Agricultural Development Project in Grassfield Participatory Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP), Republic of Cameroon

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding [Open]
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Expression of Interest

Invitation for Expression of Interest (IEOI)


Date: 07/Feb/2023


Preparation of Project Completion Report (PCR) of the Integrated Agricultural Development Project in Grassfield Participatory Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP), Republic of Cameroon


  1. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) has approved an administrative budget for financing consulting services (the Services) for the above project.


  1. The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Services are in Appendix A. The Services will be provided by an individual international consultant (the Consultant) who may be a self-employed professional or an employee of a consulting firm.


  1. IsDB will select and engage the Consultant in accordance with the IsDB Corporate Procurement Policy (Policy). The consultant for the assignment will be engaged based on a Fixed Budget Selection method.


  1. IsDB now invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from potential applicants for consideration by IsDB in selecting qualified candidates.


  1. The Consultant should complete the EOI Form in Appendix B and submit it along with his/her CV.


  1. The full set of documents should be submitted through email to the following authorized IsDB representative, not later than 16/03/2023 (08:00 PM GMT):

Mr. Khushnud Alam

Email: EOI Submission - BCC2023-008 Consultancy Services for PCR of Grassfield  Participatory  Integrated  Rural  Development  Project  _GP-IRDP_




Appendix A: Terms of Reference of the Assignment Appendix (Attached to the Notice)

B: EOI Form (Attached to the Notice)

Appendix C: IsDB Table of Contents of Project Completion Report (PCR) - (Attached to the Notice)