International Call for Tender limied to IDB Member Countries for Contractor selection

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Executing Department
Energy & ICT Division

COOPERATION CAMEROON – IDB International Call for Tenders intended for companies of member countries of the Islamic Development Bank, IDB N°001/AOIPM/AER/PER II/CSPM/2017 of July 9th, 2017 launched by the Rural Electrification Agency of Cameroon for the selection of companies in view to execute Grid Extension works of the Rural Electrification Project, Phase II. COUNTRY: Cameroon PROJECT NAME:Rural Electrification Project Phase II SECTOR: Energy BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Construction of medium and low tension power distribution lines and connection of the beneficiaries. METHOD OF FUNDING: Loan / Istisna’a FUNDING N °: CM 0075 and CM 0076 1.The above call for tender follows general opinion of procurement of the project released respectively in numbers 778 of the ”Journal des Marchés” of the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency, PCRA in its 24 March 2015 edition and 2853 of the weekly “Jeune Afrique” of the 13th to 19th September, 2015. 2.The government of the Republic of Cameroon received funding from the Islamic Development Bank covering the costs of the rural electrification project, Phase II, and intends to use part of the funds for payments for the construction of medium and low tension power distribution lines and the connection of the beneficiary households. The agency concerned with its execution presently invites sealed offers from eligible bidders for the rural electrification project Phase II, subdivided into four (04) lots which are as follows: (See attachment) 3. (See attachmnet) 4.The bid will be made according to the competitive bidding international procedures for member countries as specified in the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Guidelines for the acquisition of goods and works with funding from the Islamic Development Bank (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as specified in the guidelines. 5.Interested bidders can obtain additional information and study the bid documents at the Rural Electrification Agency (see address below) within working hours, as from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. A complete collection of the bid documents in the French language can be bought by interested bidders on presentation of the original copy of the receipt of payment of a non-refundable amount of Three Hundred Thousand (300 000) Francs CFA to the Special transfer account, (CAS) N°335988 opened at the International Bank of Cameroon for Savings and Credit (BICEC) The Tender file can also be send electronically to bidders who have purchase the file. All bid offers prepared in either English or French in seven (07) copies, one (01) original and six (06) copies designated as such need to be accompanied by a bid security deposit which will remain valid for a period of thirty (30) days above the original date of validity of the offers, to be paid in the local currency or any freely convertible currency. These are to be delivered at the address below on October 9th, 2017 at 2:00 pm (local time) at the latest and should be titled: International Call for Tenders intended for companies of member countries of the Islamic Development Bank, IDB N°001/AOIPM/AER/PER II/CSPM/2017 of July 9th, 2017 launched by the Rural Electrification Agency of Cameroon for the selection of companies in view to execute Grid Extension works of the Rural Electrification Project, Phase II. « To be opened only in the bid opening session » The bid bond by lot is indicated below: Lot N° Amount in FCFA 1 122,000,000 2 67,000,000 3 123,000,000 4 108,000,000 The offers will be opened immediately after deposit at the address below by a Special Commission for Procurement for the Rural Electrification Project, Phase II alongside representatives of bidders who which to participate. Late offers will be rejected and returned sealed. The address referenced above is: Rural Electrification Agency of Cameroon P.O Box 30704 Yaoundé Project Management Unit of the Rural Electrification Project, Phase II, Located at Etoudi Carrefour du Palais, ECOBANK Building Tel. : (237) 243 638 799 Email: with a copy to: and