General Procurement Notice - GRASSFIELD PARTICIPATORY and IRD

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
General Procurement Notice
Executing Department
Integrated Rural Development Division

REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Peace-Work-Fatherland Paix - travail - patrie ------------------- ----------------------- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural ------------------- ----------------------- NORTH WEST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (NWDA) MISSION DE DEVELOPPEMENT DU NORD OUEST (MIDENO) GRASSFIELD PARTICIPATORY AND INTEGRATED RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (GP-IRDP) SECTOR: AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE Mode of Financing: ISTISNA’A /IDB AND ISFD LOAN Financing No.: 2CM 0088/ 2CM 0089/0090 The Government of Cameroon has received financing in the amount of 49.70 million US Dollars (ISTISNA’A 39.7 million USD and IDB/ISFD loan 10 million USD) equivalent from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the Grassfield Participatory and Integrated Rural Development Project (GP-IRDP), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. The Islamic Development Bank and the Cameroon Government will jointly finance this project. The project will include the following components: COMPONENT I: AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT The main objective of this component is to increase production and productivity of specific crop speculations in 2 main production basins; Mbaw/Mbonso Basin (Swamp rice, Maize, Oil Palm, Soya beans, Beans) and Gayama Basin (Upland rice, Cocoa, Plantains, Cassava, oil palm). The scope of this component will mainly cover the following sub-components: • Development of 1200 hectares of agricultural land for swamp rice in Mbaw/Mbonso Basin and development of 2000 hectares of agricultural land for Upland Rice in Gayama Basin • Construction 60km and rehabilitation 170km of rural infrastructure access roads • Provision of agricultural inputs (fertilizers and chemicals), • Provision of agricultural equipment and machineries • Provision of improved seeds (rice, potato, maize, plantain, oil palm and soya beans). COMPONENT II VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT The objective of this component is to enhance farmers’ income by providing them opportunities for adding value to their production through the provision of community managed processing infrastructure, postharvest management, strengthening of existing farmer cooperative societies with access to finance and capacity building. The scope of this component will mainly cover the following sub-components: • Strengthening of cooperatives • Access to Revolving Loan Finance (RLF) for Farmers • Construction of Agriculture Processing Plants • Provision of Local Processing Equipment COMPONENT III LOCAL CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT The scope of this component will mainly cover the following sub-components: • Development Process Training • Training of Producer Farmers/Farmer Groups &Agricultural Extension Workers • Capacity Building on Value Chain Enhancement • Training of PMU/Executing Agency Staffs COMPONENT IV SUPPORT TO SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURES The main objective is to improve the living conditions of the population of the North West Region of Cameroon through the provision of 773 basic community infrastructures spread in all 34 Councils of the region in a sustainable manner within the estimated project duration of five years. The scope of this component will mainly cover the following sub-components: • Construction of Feeder Road: • Construction of Primary Health Centres • Enhancement of Primary Education • Provision of Potable Water COMPNENT 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT The scope of this component will mainly cover the following sub-components: • Project Management Unit: A Project Management Unit (PMU) based in Bamenda the Regional capital of NWR • 2 Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at Mbaw/Mbonso and Gayama production basins respectively. • Supervision Consultant • Financial Audit • Start-up, Mid-term and Completion Workshop/ • Familiarization Visit PROCUREMENT OF GOODS, WORKS, AND SERVICES CATEGORY CONTRACT PACKAGE TYPE AND DESCRIPTION PROCUREMENT METHOD Civil Works Construction of 60km access road and rehabilitation of 170 km feeder roads NCB Land Development NCB Construction of Processing Mills NCB Construction/Rehabilitation of Social/Rural Infrastructures: NCB Construction of PIU Buildings NCB Services Consultancy Services Supervision QCBS/MC Consultant for Capacity Building for farmers QCBS/MC Experts of PMU/PIU IC/LC Audit SMC/LC Goods Agriculture Inputs NCB Agriculture Equipment ICB/MC Provision of Seed DC (IRAD) Value Chain Equipment NCB Provision of solar energy NCB Vehicles for PIU NCB Motorbikes National Shopping Generator National shopping Equipment and furniture for the PMU National Shopping N/B: ICB/MC (International Competitive Bidding limited for Member Countries), NCB (National Competitive Bidding); QCBS/MC (Quality and Cost Based Selection among Short-list of member country firms); QCBS/LC (Quality and Cost Based Selection among Short-list of Local firms); LCS/LC (Least Cost Selection among Short-list of Local firms), IC/LC (Individual Consultant among Short-list of Local candidates) Procurement of contracts financed by the Islamic Development Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works under Islamic Development Bank Financing (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the Guidelines for the Use of Consultants under Islamic Development Bank Financing (current edition). Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the Islamic Development Bank’s international competitive bidding (ICB) or international competitive bidding – member countries (ICB/MC) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available, in IsDB Website , local newspapers (ARMP Journal, Cameroon Tribune) and Project Website ( Further information can be obtained from the address below; Address: GRASSFIELD PARTICIPATORY AND INTEGRATED RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (GP-IRDP) Attention: Mr Muluh Gregory Nguh, Project Coordinator P.O. Box 1116 Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon Tel: 23336 10 07 Fax: 23336 16 65 Email: Web site: www. MULUH GREGORY NGUH PROJECT COORDINATOR