Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout Al Chargui Mauriania

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding [Open]
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
General Procurement Notice
Executing Department
Energy & ICT Division

The Government of Mauritania has received Loan and Installment Sale financing in the amounts of US$ 6.90 million (US$ 4.90 ISFD Loan and US$ 2.00 million IDB Loan) and US$ 8.00 (Installment Sale) equivalent from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the solar rural electrification project in Aftout El-Chargui zone, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. OFID is co-financing the project with an amount of US$ 11.93 million and the Government of Mauritania with an amount of US$ 3.60 million. The general objective of the project is improving the living standards of the population by supplying clean renewable energy to rural communities of 30 localities in the 3 regions of Assaba, Gorgol and Tagant that are affected by extreme poverty. The project will support the progressive transformation and improvement of living conditions of the population, through the provision of reliable electricity connections to rural households, water systems, health clinics and schools. It will also foster the development of small businesses in the project area. Upon completion, the project will (i) supply electricity to 5.450 households in 30 localities, (ii) contribute to increase the access rate to electricity in rural areas by 7% by 2017, (iii) avoid annually 15,000 tons of C02 equivalent emissions through the acquisition of 2.6 MWp of solar photovoltaic power plant and the necessary electricity grid. The project is comprised of the following components financed by IDB and OFID: i. Acquisition and installation of a power plant including (a) 2.6 MW Solar Photovoltaic power plant over a surface area of about 5 ha near the Foum Gleita dam, and (b) 2x 0.250 MW back-up diesel generators; ii. Electrical networks (MV and LV distribution lines), and customer connections: (a) 167 km of 33 kV overhead medium voltage (MV) line with 148 mm conductor from the plant to El Ghayrc where a MVA 33/15 kV substation will be installed; (b) 77 km of 33 kV overhead lines with 54.6 mm conductor for the connection of different localities; (c) 31 overhead MV/LV transformers; (d) 68 km of low voltage (LV) networks; and (e) 5,450 household connections; iii. Capacity Building: consists of technical assistance to APAUS for technology transfer; training of the staff of APAUS, Directorate of Electricity (Ministry of Energy) and ARE; and acquisition of software; iv. Project Management Unit (PMU): Support to the PMU to be set up to implement the project, including office operating costs, allowances and equipment (computers equipped with printers and photocopy machine); v. Start-up workshop and familiarization visit: A familiarization visit to IDB will be organized for the Project Managers and for the project awareness and ownership, a workshop will be held at the start of the project to familiarize the PMU on IDB procedures in view of a smooth implementation of the project; Specific Procurement Notices for contracts to be bid under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures will be announced, as they become available. Interested bidders may obtain information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting the executing agency directly at the address below: Mr. Mohamed Ould. Lezgham Agence de Promotion de l’Accès Universel aux Services Ministère des Affaires Economiques & du Développement B.P: 5566, Nouakchott-Mauritanie, Tel: 222 45 24 09 98 / 99 – Fax: 222 45 24 09 97 E-mail:; – Web site: Notice: Potential tenderer desiring additional information on the procurement in question or the project in general should, unless indicated otherwise, contact the project agency and not the IDB.