Gpn - Upgrading of the 191 Km Rwenkunye-Apac-Lira-Acholibur Road

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
General Procurement Notice
Executing Department
Transport Division
Project title
Upgrading of the 191 Km Rwenkunye-Apac-Lira-Acholibur Road

PROCUREMENT REF No.: UNRA/WRKS/16-17/00002/01-02 1. The Government of the Republic of Uganda has applied for the financing in the amount of US$210.0 million equivalent from the Islamic Development Bank to finance the Upgrading of the Rwenkunye-Apac-Lira-Puranga Road project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. 2. The objectives of the Project are to: a) Upgrade 191 km of existing Gravel road between Rwenkunye, Apac, Lira and Puranga towns to Asphaltic Paved road Standard to among others to reduce on travel time, operational cost and economic losses, increase comfort, safety and reliability during travel, meet current and future transport demands; and b) help accelerate economic activities by improving access of people to social amenities, market places, business and employment opportunities resulting from improved internal and sub-regional connectivity and economic growth. 3. The project is targeting Upgrading of 191 Km 2-lane existing earthen/gravel roadway to Asphaltic Paved Road Standard which connects the Western part with the Northern parts of Uganda. It traverses through four districts and connects several local trading centers and villages to the District Headquarters of Masindi, Apac, Lira and Pader. The road is part of the Lira – Kitgum – Musingo road which is a link to Southern Sudan. The road link starts at Rwekunye in Masindi District on the Kampala – Gulu highway runs through Masindi Port where there is a ferry crossing across the Nile River, Apac Town, Lira Town and terminates at Puranga in Pader District. The Project scope includes all works related to Upgrading of the existing 2-lane earthen/gravel roadway to two 3.5m wide traffic lanes (7 meters asphaltic carriageway), 1.5m paved shoulders on each side. 4. The project comprises the following components: a. Component 1: Civil Works for Primary Road Construction: includes all works related to Upgrading of 191 km long existing Earthen/Gravel Roadway to Asphaltic Road Standard in two lots. Major work items include earthworks, granular pavement layers, asphalt pavement, paved shoulders, retaining structures, gabion walls, bridges, culverts, pipe culverts, road side drainage system, installation of road safety devices, weighing stations, construction of roadside facilities such as laybys, bus stops and waiting area, service areas, emergency stopovers environmental mitigation measures, etc., and other associated miscellaneous civil works. b. Component 2: Consulting Services: includes services for Detailed Design Review and Construction Supervision of Civil Work Contracts under the Project. The Consultant will ensure high Standards of Construction, compliance with established Highway Safety Standards, specifications with special emphasis to the Road Safety, Highway Drainage and Environmental mitigation measures. Also provide on-job training to selected UNRA Staff during Project Implementation. c. Component 3: Project Management Support (PMU): includes purchase of Office Equipment, Furniture, two Vehicles, etc. d. Component 4: Financial Audit: includes auditing of project’s financial statements, its accounts, utilization of budget, special account and other financial aspects by an independent, qualified and well experienced local financial audit firm. 5. The overall procurement process will be conducted in accordance with IDB Guidelines for the Procurement of Goods and Works and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The IDB Standard Pre-Qualification Documents, Bidding Documents, Standard Bid Evaluation Report Form and Standard Contracts shall be used as noted below: a. The two (2) lots under Civil Works Component 1 would be procured through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures with prequalification of bidders as defined in IDB Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works, dated May 2009. Firms would be allowed to prequalify and bid for both lots and sign single or multiple contracts. Multiple contracts will be awarded to a bidder offering the lowest evaluated cost for combined lots provided that it meets the required qualification criteria for combination of lots. b. An International consultancy firm for Component 2 will be selected from a short-list of 6 to 8 International Consultancy firms limited to IDB member countries based on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method as defined in IDB Guidelines for the Use of Consultants. c. The PMU equipment and furniture as well as two vehicles under Component 3 would be procured through National Shopping procedures as defined in IDB Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works, dated May 2009. d. The project financial auditor under Component 4 will be selected from a short-list of internationally reputed local audit firms based on Least Cost selection method as defined in IDB Guidelines for the Use of Consultants. 6. Specific procurement notices for the above contracts will be announced separately through international and regional newspapers, concerned Embassies, Consulates and Local representatives of IDB Member Countries, email list, IDB website, Uganda National Roads Authority Website (, and Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) tender portal (, as they become available. 7. Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the email list to receive invitations for prequalification/bid under ICB/MC procedures and interested Consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information should contact the address below: The Head, Procurement and Disposal Unit, Uganda National Roads Authority Plot 3-5, New Port Bell Road UAP Nakawa Business Park First Floor, Block D P. O. Box 28487, Kampala, Uganda Tel:+ 256 (0) 312 233 100/(0) 414 318 000 Fax: + 256 414 232 807/347 616 E-mail: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR