GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE (GPN) - Vocational Education and Training for Employment Project, Egypt
Notice Type : General Procurement Notice Tender Number : Procurement Type: Inernational Competitive Bidding limited to member countries Sector: Public Vocational Education Country: Egypt Issuing Date: 01-Jan-2016 Last Date of Submission: 01-Mar-2016 Status : Open The Productivity & Vocational Training Department - PVTD has received financing in the amount of USD 25 million from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) towards the cost of the Vocational Education and Training for Employment Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods and other related services to be procured under this project. The scope of the project consists of: (a) Enhancement of Graduates Employability: updating of existing training programs (39 trades), local and external training for about 1300 trainers, and Strengthening the Partnership with the Private Sector; (b) Improvement of learning environment: renovation of training facilities for 9 centers, and acquisition of equipment and furniture and; (c) Project management: which includes consultancy services, project management unit (PMU), start-up workshop, financial auditing and corresponding contingences. The bid will include the procurement of equipment for the Laboratories and workshops of Vocational training centers in the following specializations: i) Automotive, ii) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, iii) CNC (Computerized Numerically Controlled), v) Operation and maintenance of computers and networks, iv) and Mining. Procurement of contracts financed by the Islamic Development Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the IDB Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works under Islamic Development Bank Financing (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Bidding for the above contracts is envisaged to commence in April 2016. Procurement of contracts financed by the Islamic Development Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the Islamic Development Bank’s Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works Under Islamic Development Bank Financing (current edition), and is open to all eligible bidders, as defined in the guidelines. Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the Islamic Development Bank’s international competitive bidding limited to Member Countries (ICB-MCs) procedure will be announced, as they become available in IsDB website ( and international newspapers. Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to bid under ICB/MC procedures, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below. Project Management Unit (PMU) - project No. EGT - 0103, Productivity & Vocational Training Department (PVTD), Address: 3 Kwuait st, Dokki CAIRO (5th floor) Tel. : ( 002 02 ) 33370978 - 33371326 Fax : { 002 02 ) 33370884 The address to send information to the Beneficiary is: Manager of PMU OFFICE, Productivity and Vocational Training Department (PVTD), 3Kuwait street, Dokki, Giza, Egypt, Or by facsimile: +20233370884, Or by E-mail:, Or by E-mail: