General Procurement Notice for Reconstruction of the Ravshan Electricity Substation

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding [Open]
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
General Procurement Notice
Executing Department
Project code
Project title
Reconstruction of the Ravshan Electricity SUBSTATION, Tajikistan

REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN RECONSTRUCTION OF THE RAVSHAN ELECTRICITY SUBSTATION GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE Mode of Financing: Loan Financing No. TAD-0054 The Republic of Tajikistan has received the financing in the amount of US$ 13, 070, 000. 00 from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the “Reconstruction of the Ravshan Electricity Substation in Tajikistan”, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the Open Stock Holding Power Company Barki Tojik of the Republic of Tajikistan. The project will include the following components: A. Procurement of Goods and Works 1) Rehabilitation of Ravshan Substation: a. Civil Works: i. Equipment installation, reconstruction and improvement of Ravshan Substation b. Equipment: i. Supply and installation of two Power Transformers 220/110/10kV (2 x 125MVA) ii. Replacement of Electro Technical equipment iii. Replacement of Measuring and Control Equipment iv. Replacement of Relay Protection and Automation Equipment v. Replacement of Communication Equipment vi. Replacement of 220 kV SF6 Circuit Breakers vii. Replacement of 220 kV Current Transformers viii. Replacement Auxiliary Equipment B. Consultancy Services Consultancy services will be required for the project for engineering design and tender documents preparation, assistance to the Executing Agency during the tender evaluation and award of contract for goods and works, and supervision of the physical implementation of the project. Procurement of contracts financed by the Islamic Development Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works Under Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected from a short-list of international consultancy firms limited to IDB Member Countries as defined in the Guidelines for the Use of Consultants under Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009). Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the Islamic Development Bank’s international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available, on IsDB Website, Barki Tojik’s Website, local and international newspapers. Prequalification of suppliers and contractors will be required for the procurement of turnkey contract for Rehabilitation of Ravshan Substation Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below and not the Islamic Development Bank. State Establishment “Project Management Unit for Electro-energy Sector” Attn: Mr. Nazar Nazarzoda, Executive Director 39-A Kahorova Str., Dushanbe, Tajikistan Tel/Fax: (+992 37) 223-09-61 E-mail: