General Procurement Notice for Olive Value Chain Development for Smallholders - Pillar-II of PMV, Morocco

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding [Open]
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
General Procurement Notice
Tender Number
Executing Department
Project code
Project title
Olive Value Chain Development Project for Smallholders - Pillar-II of PMV

Kingdom of Morocco ________________________________________ Ministery of Agriculture and Sea Fisheries ________________________________________ Agricultural Development Agency General Procurement Notice Country : Morocco Name of Project : Olive Value Chain Development Project for Smallholders - Pillar II of PMV Government of Morocco has received a funding of US$ 79.72 million from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to finance the cost of the Olive Value Chain Development Project for Smallholders. The objective of the project is to improve the smallholders’ income through the conversion to a high added value crop (olive trees) and productivity increase. The project includes the following components:  Development of Olive Trees Plantations  Construction of feeder roads  Building of Olive Processing Facilities  Capacity Building for Smallholders  Consultancy Services  Support to Project Management The Executing Agency of the Project is the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries, through its regional entities (Agricultural regional Directorates, and Agricultural Provincial Directorates) and through the Agriculture Development Agency. The modes of procurement of goods, works and services are as follows: Component Procurement mode required by IDB Olive trees plantations > US$ 2millions International competitive bidding limited to IDB member countries Feeder roads > US$ 2millions International competitive bidding limited to IDB member countries Irrigation schemes > US$ 2millions US International competitive bidding limited to IDB member countries Planting < US$ 2millions National Competitive Bidding Feeder roads < US$ 2millions National Competitive Bidding Irrigation schemes US$ 2millions National Competitive Bidding Building and equipment of olive processing facilities International Competitive Bidding with 10% preferential score to IDB member countries Olive transportation equipment International Competitive Bidding limited to IDB member countries Supplies and office equipment Consultation of national suppliers Technical Support and consultancy services Short List of firms from IDB member countries Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should conform their interest in writing, by contacting:   Name : Mme MAICHE Maryam Title : Engineer – Division des financements Institution : Agence pour le Développement Agricole Tel : 00212-537-573826 Fax : 00212-537-573745 Email : (Subject : 2MOR-0136 - demande d’information – your name) NOTICE: Potential bidders who wish to have additional information on the procurement in question or the project in general should, unless indicated otherwise, contact the project agency and not the IDB. Chief Financial Officer Agricultural Developpment Agency