Request for Expressions of Interest (Consultant Services)

Notice Type
IsDB Member Country Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Expression of Interest
Tender Number
YES TUN0105/0106
Executing Department
Project code
TUN0105 0106
Project title
Youth Employment Support Program

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTANT SERVICES) Tunisia Youth Employment Support Project for Tunisia (YES_Tu – TUN 105/106) Small and Micro and SMEs Finance Sector CONSULTING SERVICES The Tunisian Solidarity Bank has received financing from the Islamic Development Bank toward the cost of the Youth Employment Support Project for Tunisia and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services. The services include advisory services and capacity building program for the Tunisian Solidarity Bank (the agency in charge of administering the YES_Tu program) and its partnering institutions in delivering Sharia compatible financial services (retail and wholesale) to the Micro and SME, according to the design of the Youth Employment Support Project, Tunisia (YES_Tu). The YES_Tu Program aims at improving the livelihoods and quality of life of Unemployed Potentially Active Youth, both men and women, through Inclusive Economic Empowerment to help them access to appropriate: (i) Micro and SMEs financial services, (ii) Business & Market Opportunities and Networks with active private sector, (iii) Market Oriented Training and Entrepreneurship facilities, (iv) Business Basic services for productive households. The Program will also provide support to Participating Financial Intermediaries and Training Providers through: (i) Micro and SMEs Lines of financing for promising rural and urban business activities as well as (iii) Capacity Building for delivering youth oriented sustainable Micro and SMEs Islamic lending schemes. The Tunisian Solidarity Bank now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide specific information which demonstrates that they are fully qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). The consultant will: (i) develop the institutional capacity for the BTS and its partnering institutions, for delivering Sharia compatible financing schemes (products and system), and (ii) assist and accompany the BTS in designing and launching a sustainable Micro & SMEs Program for the Youth in conformity with the YES_Tu concept design. The Experience of the consultant in the following area or tasks shall be the minimum requirement for the assignment:  Minimum of five (5) years of experience in the field of Islamic small and Microfinance products and systems development having at least two major contract executed.  Strong Experience in developing strategy, business plan and processes in the field of small and SMEs and Microfinance Institutions or funds, having at least three (3) major contract executed in the field of Islamic Microfinance; having at least three (3) major contract executed in the field of Islamic Microfinance;  Strong Experience in Monitoring, Evaluation and impact assessment;  Minimum of ten (10) years’ Experience in the field of capacity building and training for small and Microfinance Institutions or funds; with at least three (3) contracts executed in Islamic Microfinance..  Minimum of eight (8) years’ experience in the field of developing Islamic Management Information Systems for small and Microfinance Institutions or funds with at least two (2) contracts executed in Islamic MIS.  A strong experience in market and field based research working using both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.  Proven ability in delivering and report writing both in French and Arabic.English ability is a plus. Consultants may express interests in the forms of association, validated by an agreement among members of the association which clearly specifies the type of association, i.e. a joint-venture, intermediate forms of association, or sub consultancy. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Guidelines for the Use of Consultants under Islamic Development Bank Financing (current edition). Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 0800 to 1600 hours (local time) except Saturdays and Sundays) and marked “Expression of Interest for “Consultancy Services for Islamic Micro and SMEs Financing”. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 7th of April, 2014. Attention: Tunisian Solidarity Bank Project Management Unit of YES_Tu 56 Avenue Mohamed V 1002 Tunis. Tel: (+216) 71844040 Ext 406 E-mail: