General Procurement Notice (Gpn) - Tu 0161 - Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (Ismep) - Turkey

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Executing Department
Project code
Project title
Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (Ismep)

GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE (GPN) TURKEY ISTANBUL SEISMIC RISK MITIGATION AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROJECT (ISMEP) Loan Number: TU-0161 The Republic of Turkey has received ID 1.470.000 under the loan from the Islamic Development Bank to finance the Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project (ISMEP). Objectives of ISMEP are to improve the city of Istanbul’s preparedness for a potential earthquake through enhancing the institutional and technical capacity for disaster management and emergency response, strengthening critical public facilities for earthquake resistance. The project includes the following components: Component A: Enhancement the effectiveness and capacity of the provincial and municipal public safety organizations in Istanbul to prepare for, respond to and recover from significant emergencies, those arising from earthquakes; Component B: Seismic risk mitigation for priority public facilities to ensure their function and to reduce casualties in the event of earthquake through retrofitting of hospitals, schools and other priority public facilities; Component C: Enforcement of building codes made in implementation of land use plans to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of the Metropolitan Municipality and selected district municipalities. Procurement of Goods and Works will be in accordance with the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works under the Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009). Acquisition of the services of the consultants will follow the Guidelines for the use of Consultants under the Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009). Procurement of Consultants: Consultancy services will be procured through QCBS and CQ methods among the short-listed consultancy firms from IDB member countries in conformity with the IDB’s procedures and guidelines. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest in writing by contacting İstanbul İl Özel İdaresi (Istanbul Special Provincial Administration) İstanbul Proje Koordinasyon Birimi (Istanbul Project Coordination Unit) Attn: Kazım Gökhan ELGİN, Director Mimar Kemallettin Mahallesi Tiyatro Caddesi. No:8 Beyazıt - İstanbul, TURKEY Tel: +90 212-518 55 00 Fax: +90 212-518 55 05 E-mail: Notice: Potential tenderers desiring additional information on the procurement in question or the project in general should, unless indicated otherwise, contact the project agency and not the IDB.