Construction Works of the Foumban – Manki (RN6) Road (40 km)

Notice Type
International Competitive Bidding
Issue Date
Last date of submission
Tender Type
Specific Procurement Notice (Civil Works)
Tender Number
Executing Department
Project code
Project title
Construction Works of the Foumban – Manki (RN6) Road (40 km)

Limited International Invitation to tender No 003/AOIR/MINTP/CPM-TN/2011 of 25/01/2011 addressed to member countries of the Islamic Development Bank and OPEC Fund for the ‘Construction Works of the Foumban – Manki (RN6) Road (40 km)’ West Region, Noun Division 1. Subject On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, the Minister for Public Works (MINTP), Project Owner, hereby issues a Limited International Invitation to tender for the execution of construction works of the Foumban – Manki Road (40 km) situated in the West Region, Noun Division 2. Financing The works shall be executed on behalf of the Ministry of Public Works. The tax-free part shall be financed by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the OPEC Fund for International Development and the Republic of Cameroon, and the part inclusive of taxes shall be financed by the Republic of Cameroon. 3. Eligibility Participation in this invitation to tender shall be opened exclusively to the Contractors of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and OPEC Fund Member Countries. Besides the clause on boycott as per the Islamic Conference Organization, the Arab League and the African Union Regulations, shall be qualified as Contractor of the IDB or OPEC Member Countries any Contractor that meets the following conditions: a) Registration or legal constitution in an IDB or OPEC Member Countries; b) Main area of activity in an IDB or OPEC Fund Member Countries; c) More than 50% of the social capital is owned by one or many enterprises in one or many IDB or OPEC Fund Member Countries and/or by nationals of such Member Countries; d) The staff charged with the execution of the works is composed of more than 80% of nationals of IDB or OPEC Fund Member Countries, irrespective of whether he is employed directly or by a Sub-Contractor. e) The majority of the supervisory and professional staff is composed of nationals of IDB or OPEC Fund Member Countries or of other Member Countries; In addition to the above conditions, shall be excluded from the tender, any Contractor that falls under the following provisions: - Enterprises related to the contractor selected as the Project Manager, - Enterprises under suspension because of the resiliation of a contract, in keeping with article 102 of the Public Contract Code, - Non-legally and financially autonomous public enterprises which are not managed in keeping with commercial law rules. 4. Timeframe The maximum execution timeframe shall be eighteen (18) months, including the rainy periods. 5. Scope of work The tender concerns the execution of construction works of the Foumban – Manki Road (RN6) (40 km), including the construction of drainage structures situated in the West Region, Noun Division. The works shall comprise the following tasks: • Site installation; • Execution studies; • Preparatory works (expropriation, exhumation-inhumation, liberation of the right of way); • Earthworks; • Construction of a 7.4 meter carriageway in the open country and 9 m in build-up areas, with two 1.3 m wide shoulders each in the open country and 2.3 m in build-up areas. The road layer shall comprise the following: - Thirty (30) cm thick laterite gravel sub-base from km 0 to km 23 and thirty (30) cm thick sub-base of natural laterite grave with crushed stones from km 23 to the end of the project; - Twenty (20) cm thick 0/31.5 crushed aggregate foundation; - Five (5) cm thick bituminous concrete surfacing on the carriageway and double surface dressing on the shoulders and on the parking spaces. • Construction of drainage structures (concrete ring and pipe culverts, box culverts, ditches, etc.) • Realization of equipment and road signing and marking; • Construction of a 40 m span reinforced concrete beam bridge (i.e two 20 m span) type engineering structure over river N’chi; • Construction of an automatic weighing station. The works shall be executed by the rule book in keeping with the execution plans and drawings to be consulted on the spot at the MINTP Sub-Department of Road Investments. 6. Consultation of Tender Documents The tender documents may be consulted at the following address: Ministry of Public Works Department of General Affairs Sub-Department of Contracts (Tenders Board Support Service) by the Yaounde Municipal Lake YAOUNDE Tel: (237) 22 22 21 40 / 22 22 44 78 7. Acquisition of Tender Documents The tender documents may be obtained at the MINTP Sub-Department of Contracts, Tenders Board Support Service, by the Yaounde Municipal Lake, upon presentation of a receipt of payment into the public treasury of a non-refundable fee of one million (1 000 000) CFA F. Such a receipt shall identify the payer as representing a Contractor or “joint-venture” willing to participate in the tender. 8. Bid Security Tenders shall include a provisional guarantee, issued in keeping with the tender model by a banking institution approved by the Ministry in charge of finance. It shall stand at three hundred and fifty million (350 000 000) CFA F and be valid for a period of one hundred and fifty (150) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline. A provisional guarantee issued by a non Cameroon-based banking institution shall be accepted only if a local bank approved by the Ministry in charge of finance has been designated as its correspondent to make the guarantee operative. The absence or non-compliance of the provisional guarantee with the tender model shall lead to rejection of the corresponding offer. 9. Submission of Tender Drafted in English or French and in six (6) copies including one (1) original and five (5) copies, labeled as such, tenders shall be submitted against a receipt at the MINTP Department of General Affairs, Sub-Department of Contracts, Tenders Board Support Service, not later than 28/03/2011 at 10 a.m (local time). They shall bear the following: “Limited International Invitation to tender No 003/AOIR/MINTP/CPM-TN/2011 of 25/01/2011 addressed to member countries of the Islamic Development Bank and OPEP Fund for the construction works of the Foumban – Manki (RN6) road (40 km) West Region, Noun Division To be opened only at the tender-evaluation session”. 10. Tender Validity Bidders shall be bound by their tenders for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days with effect from the tender-submission deadline. 11. Opening of Tenders Tenders shall be opened in one stage: Envelope 1 containing the administrative documents (volume 1), the technical proposals (volume 2) and the financial offers (volume 3) shall be opened by the MINTP New Projects Tenders Board on 28/03/2011 at 11 a.m, local time, in the meeting room of the Centre Regional Delegation of Public Works. Interested bidders may attend this session or each have themselves represented by one duly mandated person of their choice with sound knowledge of their file. The Minister for Public Works